Mădălina-Claudia Dănilă Mădălina-Claudia Dănilă


Hi everyone, so excited to kick into the New Year by announcing the launch of my blog. Super fun and creative task!!

Please visit www.madalinadanila.com/blog to stay tuned about my weekly essays and articles on various life topics such as Art, Literature, Movies, food, of course Music and....comic books (and more!) ;)

I look at this new challenge as an experiment; I am curios and eager to connect with folks out there that share similar interests with mine. Through this blog I want to offer people a place to read, a place to reflect and debate (if they feel like it) and a place to share knowledge in a respectful way.

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Mădălina-Claudia Dănilă Mădălina-Claudia Dănilă


I’m so delighted to announce that I will be joining the piano faculty at Cunningham Music School starting August 2022! My teaching experience goes back to the time when I became a student at the Bucharest Conservatory in Romania. Throughout the years I have discovered a real joy in sharing with others what I myself knew about piano playing and in the same time, gaining knowledge about human psychology, human relationship and even music. I have realized that teaching means applying different strategies and solutions that are built specifically for each individual; every person is unique, therefore each person possesses unique personality traits that must be spotted and molded carefully. I have taught piano playing and chamber music and after each lesson I found myself thinking continuously about what other tools I can come up with, what more can I do and say next time so that my students remain engaged in music and focus better in understanding it. Over the years I have gone deeper in human psychology that has helped me establish a much faster contact with my new students by “reading” their potential and their temperament. Ultimately, my goal is to stir up a sparkle of interest for music in every person I come in contact with through piano (or chamber) lessons.

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